If a marble of radius 2.1 cm is put into a cylindrical cup full of water of radius 5cm and height 6 cm, then how much water flows out of the cylindrical cup?
(A) 38.8 cm3 (B) 55.4 cm3 (C) 19.4 cm3 (D) 471.4 cm3
A funnel (see Figure) is the combination of
(A) a cone and a cylinder (B) frustum of a cone and a cylinder (C) a hemisphere and a cylinder (D) a hemisphere and a cone
Find the difference of the areas of a sector of angle 120° and its corresponding major sector of a circle of radius 21 cm.
Find the difference of the areas of two segments of a circle formed by a chord of length 5 cm subtending an angle of 90° at the centre.
Find the number of revolutions made by a circular wheel of area 1.54 m2 in rolling a distance of 176 m.
The central angles of two sectors of circles of radii 7 cm and 21 cm are respectively 120° and 40°. Find the areas of the two sectors as well as the lengths of the corresponding arcs. What do you observe?
The planet Mars has two
moons, phobos and delmos. (i) phobos has
a period 7 hours, 39 minutes and an orbital
radius of 9.4 ×10³km. Calculate the mass
of mars. (ii) Assume that earth and mars
move in circular orbits around the sun,
with the martian orbit being 1.52 times
the orbital radius of the earth. What is
the length of the martian year in days ?
Area of a sector of central angle 200° of a circle is 770 cm2. Find the length of the corresponding arc of this sector.