A calf is tied with a rope of length 6 m at the corner of a square grassy lawn of side 20 m. If the length of the rope is increased by 5.5m, find the increase in area of the grassy lawn in which the calf can graze.
With the vertices A, B and C of a triangle ABC as centres, arcs are drawn with radii 5 cm each as shown in Figure. If AB = 14 cm, BC = 48 cm and CA = 50 cm, then find the area of the shaded region. (Use π = 3.14).
A chord of a circle of radius 20 cm subtends an angle of 90° at the centre. Find the area of the corresponding major segment of the circle. (Use π = 3.14).
A piece of wire 20 cm long is bent into the form of an arc of a circle subtending an angle of 60° at its centre. Find the radius of the circle.
In Figure, arcs have been drawn of radius 21 cm each with vertices A, B, C and D of quadrilateral ABCD as centres. Find the area of the shaded region.
A circular park is surrounded by a road 21 m wide. If the radius of the park is 105 m, find the area of the road.
In Figure, arcs have been drawn with radii 14 cm each and with centres P, Q and R. Find the area of the shaded region.
In Figure, arcs are drawn by taking vertices A, B and C of an equilateral triangle of side 10 cm. to intersect the sides BC, CA and AB at their respective mid-points D, E and F. Find the area of the shaded region (Use π = 3.14).
Find the area of the shaded region in Figure, where arcs drawn with centres A, B, C and D intersect in pairs at mid-points P, Q, R and S of the sides AB, BC, CD and DA, respectively of a square ABCD (Use π = 3.14).