The numerical value of the area of a circle is greater than the numerical value of its circumference. Is this statement true? Why?
In covering a distance s metres, a circular wheel of radius r metres makes s/2πr revolutions. Is this statement true? Why?
Is it true that the distance travelled by a circular wheel of diameter d cm in one revolution is 2 π d cm? Why?
Is it true to say that area of a segment of a circle is less than the area of its corresponding sector? Why?
In Figure, a square is inscribed in a circle of diameter d and another square is circumscribing the circle. Is the area of the outer square four times the area of the inner square? Give reasons for your answer.
Will it be true to say that the perimeter of a square circumscribing a circle of radius a cm is 8a cm? Give reasons for your answer.
Is the area of the circle inscribed in a square of side a cm, πa2 cm2? Give reasons for your answer.
In Figure, a circle is inscribed in a square of side 5 cm and another circle is circumscribing the square. Is it true to say that area of the outer circle is two times the area of the inner circle? Give reasons for your answer.
Is the following statement true? Give reasons for your answer.
Area of a segment of a circle = area of the corresponding sector – area of the corre- sponding triangle.