Accumulation of non-biodegradable pesticides in the food chain in increasing amount at each higher trophic level is known as
(a) eutrophication
(b) pollution
(c) biomagnification
(d) accumulation
In the given food chain, suppose the amount of energy at fourth trophic level is 5 kJ, what will be the energy available at the
producer level?
Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Hawk
(a) 5 k J
(b) 50 k J
(c) 500 k J
(d) 5000 k J
An ecosystem includes
(a) all living organisms
(b) non-living objects
(c) both living organisms and non-living objects
(d) sometimes living organisms and sometimes non-living objects
In a food chain, the third trophic level is always occupied by
(a) carnivores
(b) herbivores
(c) decomposers
(d) producers
Which one of the following is an artificial ecosystem?
(a) Pond
(b) Crop field
(c) Lake
(d) Forest
What is biomass? Explain the principle and working of a biogas plant using a labelled schematic diagram.
Energy from various sources is considered to have been derived from the sun. Do you agree? Justify your answer.
What are the environmental consequences of using fossil fuels? Suggest the steps to minimise the pollution caused by various sources of energy including non-conventional sources of energy.
Why is there a need for harnessing non-conventional sources of energy? How can energy be harnessed from the sea in different ways?