A piece of wire 20 cm long is bent into the form of an arc of a circle subtending an angle of 60° at its centre. Find the radius of the circle.
In Figure, arcs have been drawn of radius 21 cm each with vertices A, B, C and D of quadrilateral ABCD as centres. Find the area of the shaded region.
A circular park is surrounded by a road 21 m wide. If the radius of the park is 105 m, find the area of the road.
In Figure, arcs have been drawn with radii 14 cm each and with centres P, Q and R. Find the area of the shaded region.
In Figure, arcs are drawn by taking vertices A, B and C of an equilateral triangle of side 10 cm. to intersect the sides BC, CA and AB at their respective mid-points D, E and F. Find the area of the shaded region (Use π = 3.14).
Find the area of the shaded region in Figure, where arcs drawn with centres A, B, C and D intersect in pairs at mid-points P, Q, R and S of the sides AB, BC, CD and DA, respectively of a square ABCD (Use π = 3.14).
Find the area of the minor segment of a circle of radius 14 cm, when the angle of the corresponding sector is 60°.