Is it true to say that area of a square inscribed in a circle of diameter p cm is p2 cm2? Why?
Areas of two circles are equal. Is it necessary that their circumferences are equal? Why?
Circumferences of two circles are equal. Is it necessary that their areas be equal? Why?
Is the area of the largest circle that can be drawn inside a rectangle of length a cm and breadth b cm (a > b) is π b2 cm2? Why?
The areas of two sectors of two different circles are equal. Is it necessary that their corresponding arc lengths are equal? Why?
The areas of two sectors of two different circles with equal corresponding arc lengths are equal. Is this statement true? Why?
If the length of an arc of a circle of radius r is equal to that of an arc of a circle of radius 2 r, then the angle of the corresponding sector of the first circle is double the angle of the corresponding sector of the other circle. Is this statement false? Why?
The numerical value of the area of a circle is greater than the numerical value of its circumference. Is this statement true? Why?
In covering a distance s metres, a circular wheel of radius r metres makes s/2πr revolutions. Is this statement true? Why?