An organic compound A on heating with concentrated H2SO4 forms a compound B which on addition of one mole of hydrogen in
presence of Ni forms a compound C. One mole of compound C on combustion forms two moles of CO2 and 3 moles of H2O. Identify
the compounds A, B and C and write the chemical equations of the reactions involved.
Explain the given reactions with the examples
(a) Hydrogenation reaction
(b) Oxidation reaction
(c) Substitution reaction
(d) Saponification reaction
(e) Combustion reaction
Draw the possible isomers of the compound with molecular formula C3H6O and also give their electron dot structures.
How would you bring about the following conversions? Name the process and write the reaction involved.
(a) ethanol to ethene.
(b) propanol to propanoic acid.
Write the reactions.
A compound C (molecular formula, C2H4O2) reacts with Na – metal to form a compound R and evolves a gas which burns with a pop
sound. Compound C on treatment with an alcohol A in presence of an acid forms a sweet smelling compound S (molecular formula,C3H6O2). On addition of NaOH to C, it also gives R and water. S on treatment with NaOH solution gives back R and A. Identify C, R, A, S and write down the reactions involved.
Esters are sweet-smelling substances and are used in making perfumes. Suggest some activity and the reaction involved for the preparation of an ester with well labeled diagram.
(a) Write the formula and draw electron dot structure of carbon tetrachloride.
(b) What is saponification? Write the reaction involved in this process.
Name the reaction which is commonly used in the conversion of vegetable oils to fats. Explain the reaction involved in detail.
(a) What are hydrocarbons? Give examples.
(b) Give the structural differences between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons with two examples each.
(c) What is a functional group? Give examples of four different functional groups.
A salt X is formed and a gas is evolved when ethanoic acid reacts with sodium hydrogencarbonate. Name the salt X and the gas evolved. Describe an activity and draw the diagram of the apparatus to prove that the evolved gas is the one which you have named. Also, write chemical equation of the reaction involved.