What do you think the famous cartoonist R.K.
Laxman is trying to convey in this cartoon?
How does it relate to the 2016 law that you
read about on page 103?
ABCD is a quadrilateral whose diagonal AC divides it into two parts, equal in area, then ABCD
(A) is a rectangle (B) is always a rhombus
(C) is a parallelogram (D) need not be any of (A), (B) or (C)
Two parallelograms are on equal bases and between the same parallels. The ratio of their areas is
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 1 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 3 : 1
How was environment treated earlier? What has been the change in perception? Discuss.
What are the sources of environmental pollution in your area? Discuss with respect to
(a) air; (b) water and (c) soil. What are the steps being taken to reduce the pollution?
Can you suggest some other measures?
The median of a triangle divides it into two
(A) triangles of equal area (B) congruent triangles (C) right triangles (D) isosceles triangles
Write a paragraph on the various roles of the government that you have read about in
this unit.
Imagine yourself to be a worker working in a chemical factory, which has received orders from
the government to move to a different site 100 kms away from the present location. Write about
how your life would change? Read out your responses in the classroom.
How can laws ensure that markets work in a manner that is fair? Give two examples to support
your answer.