Describe the regional variations in the climatic conditions of India with the help of suitable examples.
Give reasons as to why.
(i) Seasonal reversal of wind direction takes place over the Indian subcontinent?
(ii) The bulk of rainfall in India is concentrated over a few months.
(iii) The Tamil Nadu coast receives winter rainfall.
(iv) The delta region of the eastern coast is frequently struck by cyclones.
(v) Parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat and the leeward side of the Western Ghats are drought-prone.
Answer the following questions briefly.
(i) What are the controls affecting the climate of India?
(ii) Why does India have a monsoon type of climate?
(iii) Which part of India does experience the highest diurnal range of temperature
and why?
(iv) Which winds account for rainfall along the Malabar coast?
(v) Define monsoons. What do you understand by “break” in monsoon?
(vi) Why is the monsoon considered a unifying bond?
Choose the correct answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following places receives the highest rainfall in the world?
(a) Silchar
(c) Cherrapunji
(b) Mawsynram
(d) Guwahati
(ii) The wind blowing in the northern plains in summers is known as:
(a) Kaal Baisakhi
(c) Trade Winds
(b) Loo
(d) None of the above
(iii) Monsoon arrives in India approximately in:
(a) Early May
(c) Early June
(b) Early July
(d) Early August
(iv) Which one of the following characterises the cold weather season in India?
(a) Warm days and warm nights
(b) Warm days and cold nights
(c) Cool days and cold nights
(d) Cold days and warm nights