The graph of y = 6 is a line
(A) parallel to x-axis at a distance 6 units from the origin
(B) parallel to y-axis at a distance 6 units from the origin
(C) making an intercept 6 on the x-axis.
(D) making an intercept 6 on both the axes
How did the British succeed in
securing the submission of the rebel
landowners of Awadh?
The equation of x-axis is of the form
(A) x = 0 (B) y = 0 (C) x + y = 0 (D) x = y
What impact did Bahadur Shah
Zafar’s support to the rebellion
have on the people and the ruling
Any point on the line y = x is of the form
(A) (a, a) (B) (0, a) (C) (a, 0) (D) (a, – a)
Any point on the x-axis is of the form
(A) (x, y) (B) (0, y) (C) (x, 0) (D) (x, x)
What could be the reasons for the
confidence of the British rulers
about their position in India before
May 1857?
The equation x = 7, in two variables, can be written as
(A) 1 . x + 1 . y = 7 (B) 1. x + 0. y = 7
(C) 0 . x + 1 . y = 7 (D) 0 . x + 0 . y = 7
The graph of the linear equation 2x + 3y = 6 cuts the y-axis at the point
(A) (2, 0) (B) (0, 3) (C) (3, 0) (D) (0, 2)