If P (– 1, 1), Q (3, – 4), R(1, –1), S(–2, –3) and T (– 4, 4) are plotted on the graph
paper, then the point(s) in the fourth quadrant are
(A) P and T (B) Q and R (C) Only S (D) P and R
On plotting the points O (0, 0), A (3, 0), B (3, 4), C (0, 4) and joining OA, AB, BC
and CO which of the following figure is obtained?
(A) Square (B) Rectangle (C) Trapezium (D) Rhombus
If the perpendicular distance of a point P from the x-axis is 5 units and the foot of
the perpendicular lies on the negative direction of x-axis, then the point P has
(A) x coordinate = – 5 (B) y coordinate = 5 only
(C) y coordinate = – 5 only (D) y coordinate = 5 or –5
The points (–5, 2) and (2, – 5) lie in the
(A) same quadrant (B) II and III quadrants, respectively
(C) II and IV quadrants, respectively (D) IV and II quadrants, respectively
If y coordinate of a point is zero, then this point always lies
(A) in I quadrant (B) in II quadrant
(C) on x – axis (D) on y – axis
Points (1, – 1), (2, – 2), (4, – 5), (– 3, – 4)
(A) lie in II quadrant (B) lie in III quadrant
(C) lie in IV quadrant (D) do not lie in the same quadrant
A point both of whose coordinates are negative will lie in
(A) I quadrant (B) II quadrant
(C) III quadrant (D) IV quadrant
The point at which the two coordinate axes meet is called the
(A) abscissa (B) ordinate (C) origin (D) quadrant