Rainfall patterns depend on
(a) the underground water table
(b) the number of water bodies in an area
(c) the density pattern of human population in an area
(d) the prevailing season in an area
The process of nitrogen-fixation by bacteria does not take place in the presence of
(a) molecular form of hydrogen
(b) elemental form of oxygen
(c) water
(d) elemental form of nitrogen
The two forms of oxygen found in the atmosphere are
(a) water and ozone
(b) water and oxygen
(c) ozone and oxygen
(d) water and carbon-dioxide
One of the following factors does not lead to soil formation in nature
(a) the sun
(b) water
(c) wind
(d) polythene bags
What would happen, if all the oxygen present in the environment is
converted to ozone?
(a) We will be protected more
(b) It will become poisonous and kill living forms
(c) Ozone is not stable, hence it will be toxic
(d) It will help harmful sun radiations to reach earth and damage many
life forms.
If there were no atmosphere around the earth, the temperature of the earth will
(a) increase
(b) go on decreasing
(c) increase during day and decrease during night
(d) be unaffected
The atmosphere of the earth is heated by radiations which are mainly
(a) radiated by the sun
(b) re-radiated by land
(c) re-radiated by water
(d) re-radiated by land and water