Voice of which of the following is likely to have minimum frequency?
(a) Baby girl (b) Baby boy
(c) A man (d) A woman
Fill in the blanks
(a) Lining of blood vessels is made up of———.
(b) Lining of small intestine is made up of ———.
(c) Lining of kidney tubules is made up of———.
(d) Epithelial cells with cilia are found in———of our body.
Choose the correct answer.
Sound can travel through
(a) gases only (b) solids only
(c) liquids only (d) solids, liquids and gases.
Differentiate the following activities on the basis of voluntary (V) or involuntary (IV) muscles.
(a) Jumping of frog
(b) Pumping of the heart
(c) Writing with hand
(d) Movement of chocolate in your intestine
Write true (T) or false (F)
(a) Epithelial tissue is protective tissue in animal body.
(b) The lining of blood vessels, lung alveoli and kidney tubules are all made up of epithelial tissue.
(c) Epithelial cells have a lot of intercellular spaces.
(d) Epithelial layer is permeable layer.
(e) Epithelial layer does not allow regulation of materials between body and external environment.