The non S I and S I units of some physical quantities are given in column
A and column B respectively. Match the units belonging to the same
physical quantity:
(A) (B)
(a) degree celsius (i) kilogram
(b) centimetre (ii) pascal
(c) gram per centimetre cube (iii) metre
(d) bar (iv) kelvin
(e) milligram (v) kilogram per metre cube
Match the physical quantities given in column A to their S I units given in
column B :
(A) (B)
(a) Pressure (i) cubic metre
(b) Temperature (ii) kilogram
(c) Density (iii) pascal
(d) Mass (iv) kelvin
(e) Volume (v) kilogram per cubic metre
Fill in the blanks:
(a) Evaporation of a liquid at room temperature leads to a——— effect.
(b) At room temperature the forces of attraction between the particles of
solid substances are———than those which exist in the gaseous state.
(c) The arrangement of particles is less ordered in the ——— state. However,
there is no order in the ——— state.
(d) ——— is the change of solid state directly to vapour state without going
through the ———state.
(e) The phenomenon of change of a liquid into the gaseous state at any
temperature below its boiling point is called———.
A sample of water under study was found to boil at 102°C at normal
temperature and pressure. Is the water pure? Will this water freeze at 0°C?
In which of the following conditions, the distance between the molecules of
hydrogen gas would increase?
(i) Increasing pressure on hydrogen contained in a closed container
(ii) Some hydrogen gas leaking out of the container
(iii) Increasing the volume of the container of hydrogen gas
(iv) Adding more hydrogen gas to the container without increasing the
volume of the container
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv)
Which condition out of the following will increase the evaporation of water?
(a) Increase in temperature of water
(b) Decrease in temperature of water
(c) Less exposed surface area of water
(d) Adding common salt to water
The boiling points of diethyl ether, acetone and n-butyl alcohol are 35°C,
56°C and 118°C respectively. Which one of the following correctly represents
their boiling points in kelvin scale?
(a) 306 K, 329 K, 391 K
(b) 308 K, 329 K, 392 K
(c) 308 K, 329 K, 391 K
(d) 329 K, 392 K, 308 K
Choose the correct statement of the following
(a) conversion of solid into vapours without passing through the liquid
state is called sublimation.
(b) conversion of vapours into solid without passing through the liquid
state is called vapourisation..
(c) conversion of vapours into solid without passing through the liquid
state is called freezing.
(d) conversion of solid into liquid is called sublimation.
On converting 25°C, 38°C and 66°C to kelvin scale, the correct sequence of
temperature will be
(a) 298 K, 311 K and 339 K
(b) 298 K, 300 K and 338 K
(c) 273 K, 278 K and 543 K
(d) 298 K, 310 K and 338 K