How do you think stereotypes, about what women can or
cannot do, affect womens right to equality?
If you have someone working as a domestic help in your
house or locality talk to her and find out a little bit more
about her life Who are her family members? Where is
her home? How many hours does she work? How much
does she get paid? Write a small story based on these
Make a list of toys and games that boys typically play and
another for girls. If there is a difference between the two
lists, can you think of some reasons why this is so? Does
this have any relationship to the roles children have to
play as adults?
Housework is invisible and unpaid work.
Housework is physically demanding.
Housework is time consuming.
Write in your own words what is meant by the terms
invisible, physically demanding, and time consuming?
Give one example of each based on the household tasks
undertaken by women in your home.
Are the statements given alongside true or false? Support
your answer with the use of an example
What is the difference between the work that MLAs do in
the Assembly and the work done by government
What was the problem in Patalpuram? What discussion/
action was taken by the following? Fill in the table.
Public meeting
Legislative Assembly
Press conference
Chief Minister
Why should decisions taken by the Chief Minister and
other ministers be debated in the Legislative Assembly?