Metallic discs of radius 0.75 cm and thickness 0.2 cm are melted to
obtain 508.68 cm3 of metal. Find the number of discs melted
(use π = 3.14).
A housing society consisting of 5,500 people needs 100 L of water
per person per day. The cylindrical supply tank is 7 m high and has
a diameter 10 m. For how many days will the water in the tank last
for the society?
A swimming pool is 200 m by 50 m and has an average depth of 2 m.
By the end of a summer day, the water level drops by 2 cm. How
many cubic metres of water is lost on the day?
Three cubes each of side 10 cm are joined end to end. Find the
surface area of the resultant figure
A hollow garden roller of 42 cm diameter and length 152 cm is made
of cast iron 2 cm thick. Find the volume of iron used in the roller
A river 2 m deep and 45 m wide is flowing at the rate of 3 km per
hour. Find the amount of water in cubic metres that runs into the
sea per minute
A cuboidal tin box opened at the top has dimensions 20 cm × 16 cm × 14 cm. What is the total area of metal sheet required to make 10 such boxes?