The curved surface area of a cylinder is reduced by ____________
per cent if the height is half of the original height.
The volume of a cylinder becomes __________ the original volume if
its radius becomes half of the original radius.
Classify the changes involved in the following processes as physical or
chemical changes:
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Dissolving sugar in water
(c) Burning of coal
(d) Melting of wax
(e) Beating aluminium to make aluminium foil
(f) Digestion of food
If a cube fits exactly in a cylinder with height h, then the volume of
the cube is __________ and surface area of the cube is __________.
If the diagonals of a rhombus get doubled, then the area of the
rhombus becomes __________ its original area.
The surface area of a cuboid formed by joining two cubes of side a
face to face is __________.
A cube of side 5 cm is cut into 1 cm cubes. The percentage increase
in volume after such cutting is __________.
A cube of side 4 cm is painted on all its sides. If it is sliced in 1 cubic
cm cubes, then number of such cubes that will have exactly two of
their faces painted is __________.
Ramesh has three containers.
(a) Cylindrical container A having radius r and height h,
(b) Cylindrical container B having radius 2r and height 1/2 h, and
(c) Cuboidal container C having dimensions r × r × h
The arrangement of the containers in the increasing order of their
volumes is
(a) A, B, C
(b) B, C, A
(c) C, A, B
(d) cannot be arranged