Which one of the following sums up the story best?
(i) A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
(ii) One is known by the company one keeps.
(iii) A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Which of the following is not a member of our Solar System?
(i) Sirius
(iii) Asteroids
(ii) Comets
(iv) Pluto
How did the rishi explain the different ways in which the birds behaved?
(i) Solve the following riddle.
My first alphabet is in MAN but not in CAN
My second alphabet is in ACE and also in FAN
My third alphabet is in RAT and not in CAT
My fourth alphabet is in SUN but not in FUN
I am a planet that moves around the Sun.
(ii) Make two similar riddles by yourself.
Match the following
Column I Column II
(i) Satellite of Earth (a) Orion
(ii) Red planet (b) Venus
(iii) Constellation (c) Mars
(iv) Planet which is commonly
called an evening star
(d) Moon