Very large numbers can be expressed in standard form by using _________ exponents.
Very small numbers can be expressed in standard form by using _________ exponents.
For a fixed base, if the exponent decreases by 1, the number becomes
(a) One-tenth of the previous number.
(b) Ten times of the previous number.
(c) Hundredth of the previous number.
(d) Hundred times of the previous number.
In question, state whether the statement are true (T) or false (F)
Very small numbers can be expressed in standard form using positive exponents.
The distance between earth and sun is 150 million kilometres which can be written in exponential form as _______.
What should be added to 4c (– a + b + c) to obtain 3a (a + b + c) – 2b (a – b + c)?
The base of a parallelogram is (2x + 3 units) and the corresponding height is (2x – 3 units). Find the area of the parallelogram in terms of x. What will be the area of parallelogram of x = 30 units?
The cost of a chocolate is Rs (x + y) and Rohit bought (x + y) chocolates. Find the total amount paid by him in terms of x. If x =10, find the amount paid by him.
In question, state whether the statement are true (T) or false (F)
abc + bca + cab is a monomial.