Square-Square Root & Cube-Cube Root
Find the smallest perfect square divisible by 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Square-Square Root & Cube-Cube Root
Evaluate the square root of 22.09 by long division method
Square-Square Root & Cube-Cube Root
Using prime factorisation , find the cube root of 5832.
Square-Square Root & Cube-Cube Root
Write a pythagorean triplet whose smallest number is 6.
Square-Square Root & Cube-Cube Root
Using distributive law, find the square of 43.
Square-Square Root & Cube-Cube Root
Check whether 1728 is a perfect cube by using prime factorisation.
Square-Square Root & Cube-Cube Root
Check whether 90 is a perfect square or not by using prime factorisation.
Square-Square Root & Cube-Cube Root
In question, state whether the statement are true (T) or false (F)
Express 36 as a sum of successive odd natural numbers.
Square-Square Root & Cube-Cube Root
In question, state whether the statement are true (T) or false (F)
The square root of a perfect square of n digits will have 2/n digits if n is even.
Square-Square Root & Cube-Cube Root
In question, state whether the statement are true (T) or false (F)
The sum of first 7 odd natural numbers is 49.