Life Processes
What is the advantage of having four chambered heart?
Life Processes
Why is blood circulation in human heart called double circulation?
Life Processes
Why is the rate of breathing in aquatic organisms much faster than in terrestrial organisms?
Life Processes
Match Group (A) with Group (B)
Group (A) Group (B)
(a) Autotrophic nutrition (i) Leech
(b) Heterotrophic nutrition (ii) Paramecium
(c) Parasitic nutrition (iii) Deer
(d) Digestion in food vacuoles (iv) Green plant
Life Processes
Why does absorption of digested food occur mainly in the small intestine?
Life Processes
What causes movement of food inside the alimentary canal?
Life Processes
What is the significance of emulsification of fats?
Life Processes
What will happen if mucus is not secreted by the gastric glands?
Life Processes
Why is small intestine in herbivores longer than in carnivores?
Life Processes
What are the adaptations of leaf for photosynthesis?