Rational Numbers
The product of a non-zero rational number and its
reciprocal is ________.
Rational Numbers
Multiplicative inverse of 0/1 is
(a) 1 (b) –1 (c) 0 (d) not defined
Economic activities around us
Give an example of interdependence between
primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Show it using a
flow diagram.
Economic activities around us
How does the secondary sector depend on the tertiary
sector? Illustrate with a few examples.
Economic activities around us
What is the primary sector? How is it different from
the secondary sector? Give two examples.
The value of work
What are the various ways in which people are
compensated for various economic activities? Give some
The value of work
There is great value attached to people who are engaged in
community service activities. Comment on this statement.
The value of work
What kind of economic activities do people engage in?
Illustrate with examples.
The value of work
How are economic activities different from non-economic
Grassroots democracy
What are the similarities and differences between the
Panchayati Raj system in rural areas and the urban local