Test yourself — What is the meaning of democracy?
What is the difference between direct democracy and
representative democracy?
Describe several situations that you have observed where
community support makes a difference. You can draw or
write about these.
Do you think some rules are unfair to a few people in the
family or community? Why?
What are some of the rules you follow in your family and
neighbourhood? Why are they important?
Discuss in class the following quotation by India’s first prime
minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, when he travelled to many parts of
India before Independence
Is there any ancient story that you have seen being depicted
through a form of art? It could be a sculpture, a painting, a
dance performance, a movie … Discuss with your classmates.
Collect a few folk tales from your region and discuss their
Select a few stories from the Pañchatantra and discuss how their
message is still valid today. Do you know of any similar stories
from your region?