Conduct a class discussion on the two quotations at the start of
the chapter.
True or false
1. The Vedic hymns were written on palm-leaf manuscripts.
2. The Vedas are India’s oldest texts.
3. The Vedic statement ekam sat viprā bahudhā vadanti reflects a
belief in the unity of cosmic powers.
4. Buddhism is older than the Vedas.
5. Jainism emerged as a branch of Buddhism.
6. Both Buddhism and Jainism advocated for peaceful
coexistence and the avoidance of harm to all living beings.
7. Tribal belief systems are limited to belief in spirits and minor
As a class activity, list two or three tribal groups from your
region or State. Document some of their art and belief systems.
Make a list of popular gods and goddesses in your region
and the festivals they are associated with.
Briefly describe the following:
(a) Transcription
(b) Polymorphism
(c) Translation
(d) Bioinformatics
Discuss in class the quotation of the Buddha which begins with
“Not by water is one made pure, though many people may
bathe here [in sacred rivers]” to make sure that its meaning
has been understood by all.