True or false?
Æ The Ṛig Veda describes the entire geography of India.
Æ The Viṣhṇu Purāṇa describes the entire Subcontinent.
Æ In Aśhoka’s time, ‘Jambudvīpa’ included what is today
India, parts of Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Æ The Mahābhārata lists many regions, including
Kashmir, Kutch, and Kerala.
Æ The term ‘Hindustān’ first appeared in a Greek
inscription more than 2,000 years ago.
Æ In ancient Persian, the word ‘Hindu’ refers to the
Hindu religion.
Æ ‘Bhārata’ is a name given to India by foreign travellers.
Fill in the blanks:
(a) Humans reproduce _____________ (asexually/sexually)
(b) Humans are _____________ (oviparous, viviparous, ovoviviparous)
(c) Fertilisation is _____________ in humans (external/internal)
(d) Male and female gametes are _____________ (diploid/haploid)
(e) Zygote is _____________ (diploid/haploid)
(f) The process of release of ovum from a mature follicle is called
(g) Ovulation is induced by a hormone called _____________
(h) The fusion of male and female gametes is called _____________
(i) Fertilisation takes place in _____________
(j) Zygote divides to form _____________which is implanted in uterus.
(k) The structure which provides vascular connection between foetus
and uterus is called _____________
Discuss what could be the meaning of the quotation at the
start of the chapter.
Invite to your school an archaeologist or a historian and
ask them to speak on the history of your region and why it’s
important to know it.
Plan a visit to a nearby museum: the visit should be prepared
with some prior research on the kind of exhibits the museum
holds. Keep notes during the visit. Write a brief report
afterwards, highlighting what was unexpected / interesting /
fun about the visit and the exhibits.
A few exercises with dates:
Place these dates chronologically on the timeline: 323 CE,
323 BCE, 100 CE, 100 BCE, 1900 BCE, 1090 CE, 2024 CE.
If King Chandragupta was born in 320 CE, which century
did he belong to? And how many years was that after the
Buddha’s birth?
Rani of Jhansi was born in 1828. Which century did
she belong to? How many years was that before India’s
Turn ‘12,000 years ago’ into a date.
Can we compare historians to detectives? Give reasons for your
As a project, write the history of your family (or village if you
live in one), using sources of history at your disposal. Ask your
teacher to guide you.