Potable water is the water which is
(a) obtained from a river. (b) obtained from a lake
(c) pure and fit for drinking. (d) used only for washing clothes.
The phenomenon of marble cancer is due to
(a) soot particles (b) CFCs (c) fog (d) acid rain
Incomplete combustion of fuel such as petrol and diesel gives
(a) nitrogen oxide (b) sulphur dioxide (c) carbon monoxide (d) carbon dioxide
The type of pollution which is likely to affect Taj Mahal in Agra to a greater extent is
(a) air pollution (b) water pollution (c) soil pollution (d) noise pollution
Which of the following is not a way to conserve water?
(a) replace (b) reduce (c) reuse (d) recycle
Boojho wishes to contribute in reducing air pollution. Which vehicle should he use for going to school?
(a) car (b) school bus (c) autorickshaw (d) scooter
Which of the following is not a source of air pollution?
(a) automobile exhaust (b) burning of firewood (c) windmill (d) power plant
Air is a mixture of various gases. One of the gases is 21% part of the air and is essential for the survival of human beings. This gas is
(a) nitrogen (b) oxygen (c) ozone (d) argon
Explain with a diagram how you can locate pole star with the help of the constellation Great Bear (Ursa Major).