Suppose the moon emits light of its own. Would it still have phases? Justify your answer.
Paheli saw the moon through a glass window at 8:00 p.m. She
marked the position of the moon on the glass pane. She got up
at 4 a.m. in the morning. Will the moon be visible at the same
A star is ten light years away from the earth. Suppose it brightens up suddenly today. After how much time shall we see this change?
John saw full moon on a particular day. After how many days
will he be able to see the full moon again?
State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’.
(a) The planet nearest to us is Jupiter.
(b) All the stars are at the same distance from us.
(c) The planets do not emit light of their own.
(d) The planets keep changing their position with respect to stars.
(e) The planet Venus appears in the eastern sky before sunrise.
(f) The plane in which the earth revolves around the sun is called
equatorial plane of earth.
Paheli and Boojho observe a bright object in the night sky which
was not twinkling. Paheli says, it is a star and Boojho says it is a
planet. Who is correct?
The change in seasons on the earth occurs because
(a) the distance between the earth and the sun is not constant.
(b) the axis of rotation of the earth is parallel to the plane of its
(c) the axis of rotation of the earth is perpendicular to the plane
of its orbit.
(d) the axis of rotation of the earth is tilted with respect to the
plane of its orbit.