The distance between the object and its image formed by a plane
mirror appears to be 24 cm. What is the distance between the
mirror and the object?
The angle between incident ray and reflected ray is 60°. What is
the value of angle of incidence?
How many times is a ray of light reflected by two plane mirrors
placed parallel and facing each other?
Boojho while waving his hand very fast in front of his eyes,
observes that his fingers appear blurred. What could be the reason
for it?
Which of the following statements is correct regarding rods and
cones in the human eye?
(a) Cones are sensitive to dim light.
(b) Cones are sensitive to bright light.
(c) Rods are sensitive to bright light.
(d) Rods can sense colour.
We can see a non-luminous object when light:
(a) emitted by the object falls on the eye.
(b) is reflected from the object towards our eye.
(c) completely passes through the object.
(d) gets completely absorbed by the object.
Part of the eye which controls the light entering is called
(a) iris (c) lens
(b) cornea (d) retina
If the metal clip used in the electroscope is replaced by an ebonite
rod and a charged body is brought in contact with it, will there
be any effect on the aluminium strips? Explain.