For which value(s) of k will the pair of equations
kx + 3y = k – 3
12x + ky = k
have no solution?
For which value(s) of λ , do the pair of linear equations
λx + y = λ2 and x + λy = 1 have
(i) no solution?
(ii) infinitely many solutions?
(iii) a unique solution?
Draw the graphs of the pair of linear equations x – y + 2 = 0 and 4x – y – 4 = 0. Calculate the area of the triangle formed by the lines so drawn and the x-axis.
For which values of p and q, will the following pair of linear equations have infinitely many solutions?
For all real values of c, the pair of equations
x – 2y = 8
5x – 10y = c
have a unique solution. Justify whether it is true or false.
Is the pair of equations x + 2y – 3 = 0 and 6y + 3x – 9 = 0 consistent? Justify your answer.
Do the equations 4x + 3y – 1 = 5 and 12x + 9y = 15 represent a pair of coincident lines? Justify your answer.
The father’s age is six times his son’s age. Four years hence, the age of the father will be four times his son’s age. The present ages, in years, of the son and the father are, respectively
(A) 4 and 24 (B) 5 and 30
(C) 6 and 36 (D) 3 and 24
Aruna has only Re 1 and Rs 2 coins with her. If the total number of coins that she has is 50 and the amount of money with her is Rs 75, then the number of Re 1 and Rs 2 coins are, respectively
(A) 35 and 15 (B) 35 and 20
(C) 15 and 35 (D) 25 and 25