In leaves, name the cell organelle and pigment that is responsible for green colour.
Identify the correct statement about cells.
(a) All the cells have nucleus.
(b) Cells of an organ have similar structure.
(c) Cells of a tissue have similar structure.
(d) Shape of all types of cells is round.
Which of the following statements are true for eukaryotic cells?
(i) They do not have a nuclear membrane.
(ii) They have a well organised nucleus.
(iii) They have a nuclear membrane.
(iv) Blue green algae are eukaryotic cells.
(a) ii and iv (b) ii and iii (c) i and ii (d) i and iv
Identify the correct statement.
(a) Tissue is a group of dissimilar cells.
(b) An organ consists of similar cells.
(c) Vacuoles are not found in plant cells.
(d) Prokaryotes do not have nucleus.
Cheek cells do not have _______
(a) cell membrane (c) golgi apparatus
(b) nucleus (d) plastids
Under a microscope Paheli observes a cell that has a cell wall but
no distinct nucleus. The cell that she observes is
(a) a plant cell (c) a nerve cell
(b) an animal cell (d) a bacterial cell
Which of the following feature will help you in distinguishing a
plant cell from an animal cell?
(a) cell wall (c) mitochondria
(b) cell membrane (d) nucleus
Which of the following is not a cell?
(a) Red Blood Corpuscle (RBC)
(b) bacterium
(c) spermatozoa
(d) virus