The substance that does not burn with flame is
(a) LPG (c) dry grass
(b) camphor (d) charcoal
Which of the following is not a combustible substance?
(a) camphor (c) straw
(b) glass (d) alcohol
Magnesium ribbon on burning in air produces
(a) magnesium oxide, water and light
(b) magnesium oxide and heat
(c) magnesium oxide, heat and light
(d) magnesium oxide, water and heat
Which one of the following has the highest calorific value?
(a) kerosene (c) LPG
(b) biogas (d) petrol
A substance which reacts with oxygen giving heat is called a
combustible substance. Which, one of the following is a
combustible substance?
(a) iron nail (c) stone piece
(b) glass (d) wood
Coal reserves are said to be enough to last for another hundred
years. Do you think we need to worry in such case? Why or why