While driving what are the tips we must follow to save petrol/diesel/natural gas?
We read in newspapers that burning of fuels is a major cause of global warming. Explain why.
Match the items given in Column I with the items of Column II.
Column I Column II
(a) Used for road surfacing (i) Black gold
(b) Natural gas (ii) Vaseline and candles
(c) Petroleum (iii) Bitumen
(d) Paraffin wax (iv) CNG
Fill in the blanks and complete the story.
About 300 million years ago the earth had dense ________ in low
lying wetland areas. Due to natural processes, like ______, these
forests got burried under the ________. As more ________ deposited
over them, they were compressed. The ________ also rose as they
sank deeper and deeper. Under high ________ and high ________,
dead plants got slowly converted into coal.
Some natural resources are given in a box. Classify them intothe exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources.
air, coal, natural gas, sunlight, petroleum, minerals, forests, oxygen.