When we toss a coin, there are two possible outcomes – Head or Tail. Therefore, the probability of each outcome is 1/2 . Justify your answer.
Apoorv throws two dice once and computes the product of the numbers appearing on the dice. Peehu throws one die and squares the number that appears on it. Who has the better chance of getting the number 36? Why?
A game consists of spinning an arrow which comes to rest pointing at one of the regions (1, 2 or 3) (Figure.). Are the outcomes 1, 2 and 3 equally likely to occur? Give reasons.
In a family having three children, there may be no girl, one girl, two girls or three girls. So, the probability of each is 1/4 . Is this correct? Justify your answer.
Will the median class and modal class of grouped data always be different? Justify your answer.
Is it true to say that the mean, mode and median of grouped data will always be different? Justify your answer.
The median of an ungrouped data and the median calculated when the same data is grouped are always the same. Do you think that this is a correct statement? Give reason.
In any situation that has only two possible outcomes, each outcome will have probability 1/2 . True or false? Why?
Is it correct to say that an ogive is a graphical representation of a frequency distribution? Give reason.