Naphthalene balls are obtained from coal tar and are used as
(a) mosquito repellant (c) moth repellant
(b) honey bee repellant (d) snake repellant
Which substance is formed by the carbonisation of dead vegetation?.
(a) coal (c) coal gas
(b) coke (d) coal tar
Coal is formed from the remains of
(a) vegetation only (c) both vegetation and animals
(b) animals only (d) neither vegetation nor animals
Fossil fuels are obtained from:
(a) remains of non-living materials.
(b) dead remains of birds only.
(c) dead remains of insects only.
(d) dead remains of living organisms.
Exhaustible natural resources are:
(a) unlimited in quantity.
(b) not dependent on nature.
(c) limited in quantity.
(d) not exhausted by human activities
Coal is processed in industries to get some useful products. Which
of the following is not obtained from coal?
(a) coke (c) coal gas
(b) coal tar (d) CNG
Which of the following is a pair of exhaustible natural resources.
(a) coal and soil (c) water and petroleum
(b) air and sun-light (d) wild life and minerals
Air is a natural resource and cannot be exhausted by human
activities. It is known as inexhaustible natural resource. Which
of the following is another inexhaustible natural resource?
(a) coal (c) sun-light
(b) petroleum (d) minerals
Various materials which are obtained from nature are called
natural resources. Which of the following is not a natural
(a) minerals (c) soil
(b) water (d) plastic
Fill in the blanks to complete the following paragraph.
The name of the product formed in the reaction of sulphur and
_____________ is sulphur dioxide gas. When sulphur dioxide is
dissolved in_________________, sulphurous acid is formed. The
sulphurous acid turns _____________ litmus paper to ____________.
Generally oxides of __________ are acidic in nature.
After completing the paragraph write two questions which you
can raise on the basis of this information.