Iron is more reactive than copper. Can you write an activity to
show this?
Some of the following statements are incorrect. Find the incorrect
statements and correct them.
(a) The property of metals by virtue of which they can be drawn
into wires is called ductility.
(b) Metals are good conductor of electricity but poor conductor
of heat.
(c) Articles made of metals produce ringing sound when struck
(d) Oxides of non-metals and metals are acidic in nature.
(e) A less reactive metal replaces a more reactive metal from its
salt solution in water
A doctor prescribed a tablet to a patient suffering from iron
deficiency. The tablet does not look like iron. Explain.
Paheli prepared a blue coloured solution of copper sulphate in
beaker A and placed an iron nail in it. Boojho prepared a yellowish
green solution of ferrous sulphate in beaker B and placed a copper
wire in it. What changes will they observe in the two beakers
after an hour?
. If in Fig. 4.1 iron nail is replaced by a wooden stick, will the bulb
glow or not? Justify your answer.
Paheli bought a statue made of copper. To her surprise it acquired
a dull green coating after a couple of months. Explain the reason.
Which of the following metals can displace the other two metals
from their salt solutions?
zinc, iron, copper