Which of the following reacts with cold water vigorously?
(a) carbon (c) magnesium
(b) sodium (d) sulphur
Metals generally react with dilute acids to produce hydrogen gas.
Which one of the following metals does not react with dilute
hydrochloric acid?
(a) magnesium (c) iron
(b) aluminium (d) copper
Metals are generally solid. Which of the following metals is in the
liquid state at room temperature?
(a) mercury (c) aluminium
(b) silver (d) sodium
Metals are generally hard. Which of the following metals is an
exception and can be cut with a knife?
(a) iron (c) gold
(b) sodium (d) magnesium
Materials which can be drawn into wires are called ductile. Which
of the following is not a ductile material?
(a) silver (c) sulphur
(b) copper (d) aluminium
Boojho has learnt that non-metals on beating with a hammer
are generally broken into pieces. Which of the following is a nonmetal?
(a) iron nail (c) copper plate
(b) aluminium wire (d) piece of coal
The substance that will be flattened on beating with a hammer is
(a) crystal of iodine (c) piece of coal
(b) lump of sulphur (d) zinc granule
Which of the following is not a metal?
(a) copper (c) aluminium
(b) sulphur (d) iron
Write an activity to show that synthetic fibres are stronger than
the cotton fibres