Draw a net of a cuboid having same
breadth and height, but length
double the breadth.
By what minimum angle does a regular hexagon rotate so as to
coincide with its origional position for the first time?
Construct an equilateral triangle ABC of side 6 cm.
Construct an obtuse angled triangle which has a base of 5.5 cm and
base angles of 30° and 120°
Draw a triangle whose sides are of lengths 4 cm, 5 cm and 7 cm
Draw an isosceles triangle with each of equal sides of length 3 cm
and the angle between them as 45°.
Draw two parallel lines at a distance of 2.2 cm apart.
Construct a right-angled isosceles triangle with one side (other than
hypotenuse) of length 4.5 cm
Construct a right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse measures 5 cm
and one of the other sides measures 3.2 cm.