Sonal bought a bed sheet for ₹ 400 and sold it for ₹ 440. Her ________% is ________.
Devangi buys a chair for ₹ 700 and sells it for ₹ 750. She earns a profit of ________ % in the transaction.
Mohini bought a cow for ₹ 9000 and sold it at a loss of 900. The selling price of the cow is ________.
If the price of sugar is decreased by 20%, then the new price of 3kg sugar originally costing ₹ 120 will be ________.
John sells a bat for 75 and suffers a loss of ₹ 8. The cost price of the bat is ________.
Out of a total deposit of ₹ 1500 in her bank account, Abida withdrew
40% of the deposit. Now the balance in her account is ______
Savitri obtained 440 marks out of 500 in an examination. She secured _______ % marks in the examination.
In a class of 50 students, 8 % were absent on one day. The number of students present on that day was ________.