The trianlge ABC formed by AB = 5 cm, BC = 8 cm, AC = 4 cm is
(a) an isosceles triangle only (b) a scalene triangle only
(c) an isosceles right triangle (d) scalene as well as a right triangle
The top of a broken tree touches the ground at a distance of 12 m
from its base. If the tree is broken at a height of 5 m from the ground
then the actual height of the tree is
(a) 25 m (b) 13 m (c) 18 m (d) 17 m
Lengths of sides of a triangle are 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm. The triangle is
(a) Obtuse angled triangle (b) Acute-angled triangle
(c) Right-angled triangle (d) An Isosceles right triangle
In a triangle, one angle is of 90°. Then
(i) The other two angles are of 45° each
(ii) In remaining two angles, one angle is 90° and other is 45°
(iii) Remaining two angles are complementary
In the given option(s) which is true?
(a) (i) only (b) (ii) only (c) (iii) only (d) (i) and (ii)
In an isosceles triangle, one angle is 70°. The other two angles are of
(i) 55° and 55° (ii) 70° and 40° (iii) any measure
In the given option(s) which of the above statement(s) are true?
(a) (i) only (b) (ii) only (c) (iii) only (d) (i) and (ii)