Social influence and group process
How does Tuckman’s stage model help you to understand the formation of groups?
Social influence and group process
Are you a member of a certain group? Discuss what motivated you to join that
Social influence and group process
Compare and contrast formal and informal groups, and ingroups and outgroups.
Attitude and social cognition
Your friend eats too much junk food, how would you be able to bring about a
change in her/his attitude towards food?
Attitude and social cognition
Prejudice can exist without discrimination and vice versa. Comment.
Attitude and social cognition
Differentiate between prejudice and stereotype.
Attitude and social cognition
Is behaviour always a reflection of one’s attitude? Explain with a relevant example.
Attitude and social cognition
What are the factors that influence the formation of an attitude?
Attitude and social cognition
Are attitudes learnt? Explain how?
Attitude and social cognition
Define attitude. Discuss the components of an attitude.