(i) Given below are the steps for extraction of copper from its ore. Write the reaction involved.
(a) Roasting of copper (1) sulphide
(b) Reduction of copper (1) oxide with copper (1) sulphide.
(c) Electrolytic refining
(ii) Draw a neat and well labelled diagram for electrolytic refining of copper
Explain the following
(a) Reactivity of Al decreases if it is dipped in HNO3
(b) Carbon cannot reduce the oxides of Na or Mg
(c) NaCl is not a conductor of electricity in solid state whereas it does conduct electricity in aqueous solution as well as inmolten state
(d) Iron articles are galvanised.
(e) Metals like Na, K, Ca and Mg are never found in their free state in nature.
Give the steps involved in the extraction of metals of low and medium reactivity from their respective sulphide ores.
A non-metal A which is the largest constituent of air, when heated with H2 in 1:3 ratio in the presence of catalyst (Fe) gives a gas B. On heating with O2 it gives an oxide C. If this oxide is passed into water in the presence of air it gives an acid D which acts as a strong oxidising agent.
(a) Identify A, B, C and D
(b) To which group of periodic table does this non-metal belong?
A solution of CuSO4 was kept in an iron pot. After few days the iron pot was found to have a number of holes in it. Explain the reason in terms of reactivity. Write the equation of the reaction involved.
An element forms an oxide A2O3 which is acidic in nature. Identify A as a metal or non-metal.
A metal M does not liberate hydrogen from acids but reacts with oxygen to give a black colour product. Identify M and black coloured product and also explain the reaction of M with oxygen
Give the reaction involved during extraction of zinc from its ore by
(a) roasting of zinc ore
(b) calcination of zinc ore
An alkali metal A gives a compound B (molecular mass = 40) on reacting with water. The compound B gives a soluble compound C on treatment with aluminium oxide. Identify A, B and C and give the reaction involved.