Name one metal and one non-metal that exist in liquid state at room temperature. Also name two metals having melting point less than 310 K (37°C)
Give two examples each of the metals that are good conductors and poor conductors of heat respectively.
A non-metal A is an important constituent of our food and forms two oxides B and C. Oxide B is toxic whereas C causes global warming
(a) Identify A, B and C
(b) To which Group of Periodic Table does A belong?
What happens when
(a) ZnCO3 is heated in the absence of oxygen?
(b) a mixture of Cu2O and Cu2S is heated?
Give the formulae of the stable binary compounds that would be formed by the combination of following pairs of elements.
(a) Mg and N2
(b) Li and O2
(c) Al and Cl2
(d) K and O2
A metal that exists as a liquid at room temperature is obtained by heating its sulphide in the presence of air. Identify the metal and its ore and give the reaction involved
A metal A, which is used in thermite process, when heated with oxygen gives an oxide B, which is amphoteric in nature. Identify A and B. Write down the reactions of oxide B with HCl and NaOH.
What are the constituents of solder alloy? Which property of solder makes it suitable for welding electrical wires?
The following reaction takes place when aluminium powder is heated with MnO2
3 MnO2 (s) + 4 Al (s) → 3 Mn (l) + 2 Al2O3 (l) + Heat
(a) Is aluminium getting reduced? (b) Is MnO2 getting oxidised?