Define stress and strain. Explain Young’s modulus and its importance in understanding material elasticity.
What is centripetal force? Derive the expression for centripetal force required to keep an object moving in a circular path.
Explain the concept of relative velocity. Solve a problem involving two trains moving in opposite directions with different speeds.
Define dimensional analysis. Use dimensional analysis to derive the relation between force, mass, and acceleration.
Explain the difference between forward and reverse biasing of a diode. How does biasing affect the flow of current in a p-n junction diode?
Define the binding energy of a nucleus. How does the binding energy per nucleon vary with atomic mass number?
Describe the photoelectric effect and explain Einstein’s photoelectric equation. How does it demonstrate the particle nature of light?
Describe the construction and working of a compound microscope. What factors affect its magnifying power?
What is total internal reflection? Explain the conditions under which it occurs and provide a real-life example.