The stress-strain graphs for materials A and B are shown in Fig. 9.12.
The graphs are drawn to the same scale.
(a) Which of the materials has the greater Young’s modulus?
(b) Which of the two is the stronger material?
Figure 9.11 shows the strain-stress curve for a given material.
What are (a) Young’s modulus and
(b) approximate yield strength for this material?
A steel wire of length 4.7 m and cross-sectional area 3.0 × 10-5 m² stretches by the same amount as a copper wire of length 3.5 m and cross-sectional area of 4.0 × 10–⁵ m² under a given load. What is the ratio of the Young’s modulus of steel to that of copper?
A 400 kg satellite is in a circular orbit of radius 2RE about the Earth. How much
energy is required to transfer it to a circular orbit of radius 4RE ? What are the changes in the kinetic and potential energies ?
Express the constant k of Eq.(7.38) in days and kilometres. Given k = 10–13 s²m–3. The moon is at a distance of 3.84 × 10⁵ km from the earth. Obtain its time-period of revolution in days.
Weighing the Earth : You are given the following data: g = 9.81 ms–2,RE = 6.37×10⁶m, the distance to the moon R = 3.84×10⁸m and the time period of the moon’s revolution is 27.3 days. Obtain themass of the Earth ME in two different ways.
The planet Mars has two
moons, phobos and delmos. (i) phobos has
a period 7 hours, 39 minutes and an orbital
radius of 9.4 ×10³km. Calculate the mass
of mars. (ii) Assume that earth and mars
move in circular orbits around the sun,
with the martian orbit being 1.52 times
the orbital radius of the earth. What is
the length of the martian year in days ?
Two uniform solid spheres
of equal radii R, but mass M and 4 M have
a centre to centre separation 6 R, as shown
in Fig. 7.10. The two spheres are held fixed.
A projectile of mass m is projected from the
surface of the sphere of mass M directly
towards the centre of the second sphere.
Obtain an expression for the minimum
speed v of the projectile so that it reaches
the surface of the second sphere.
Find the potential energy of
a system of four particles placed at the
vertices of a square of side l. Also obtain
the potential at the centre of the square.