Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes. What
precaution would you take to protect yourself?
Write true (T) or false (F)
(a) Whittaker proposed five kingdom classification.
(b) Monera is divided into Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.
(c) Starting from Class, Species comes before the Genus.
(d) Anabaena belongs to the kingdom Monera.
(e) Blue green algae belongs to the kingdom Protista.
(f) All prokaryotes are classified under Monera.
Meena and Hari observed an animal in their garden. Hari called it an insect
while Meena said it was an earthworm. Choose the character from the
following which confirms that it is an insect.
(a) Bilateral symmetrical body
(b) Body with jointed legs
(c) Cylindrical body
(d) Body with little segmentation
The ‘Origin of Species’ is written by
(a) Linnaeus
(b) Darwin
(c) Hackel
(d) Whittaker
Well defined nucleus is absent in
(a) blue green algae
(b) diatoms
(c) algae
(d) yeast
Describe with the help of a diagram an instrument which can be used to
detect a charged body.
5-Kingdom classification has given by
(a) Morgan
(b) R. Whittaker
(c) Linnaeus
(d) Haeckel
In taxonomic hierarchy family comes between
(a) Class and Order
(b) Order and Genus
(c) Genus and Species
(d) Division and Class