There is an increasing demand of trees to meet the
requirements of industries and for housing. Therefore, trees
are being felled. Is it justified? Discuss and prepare a brief
A family uses solar panels to generate electricity, a gas stove
to cook food and a windmill for pumping water from a well.
What would happen if there were no sunlight for a week?
Explain two ways in which human activities pollute the air.
Propose one action which can help in reducing air pollution.
Cutting down trees on a large
scale impacts the quality of the
soil. Why do you think it is so?
In the given illustration, we see that food is
being cooked.
Answer the following questions—
(i) What type of energy is being
used for cooking?
(ii) Name one benefit
and one drawback
of using this type of
energy for cooking.
How can you contribute towards enhancing the green
cover of your locality? Make a list of actions to be taken.
Make a list of five daily activities in which you use natural
resources. Suggest ways by which you can reduce their use.