Classify the following as renewable or non-renewable
resources—coal, natural gas, forests and minerals.
Fill in the blanks using the most appropriate option—
(i) A fuel that is commonly used in two wheelers like
scooters or bikes is………
(a) Kerosene
(b) Petrol
(c) Diesel
(d) LPG
(ii) An example of a renewable resource is ………………
(a) Coal
(b) Water
(c) Natural gas
(d) Petrol
State whether the following statements are True [T] or
False [F]. If False, correct them.
(i) Nature has all the resources to meet human needs. [ ]
(ii) Machines are a resource found in nature. [ ]
(iii) Natural gas is a non-renewable resource. [ ]
(iv) Air is a renewable resource. [ ]
Design an experiment to check if
temperature has an effect on seed
What are the similarities and
distinguishing features in the life
cycles of a mosquito and a frog?
Charan says that a wooden log is non-living as it cannot move.
Charu counters it by saying that it is living because it is made
of wood obtained from trees. Give your arguments in favour
or against the two statements given by Charan and Charu.
You have learnt that a tail is present in a tadpole but it
disappears as it grows into a frog. What is the advantage of
having a tail in the tadpole stage?
You have learnt that different conditions are required for
seed germination. How can we use this knowledge for
proper storage of grains and pulses?
List the similarities and differences in life cycles of plants
and animals.